Providing Education & Care for over 22 years
Hopscotch Boambee Preschool
Because after all the children are our future...
About our centre
Early childhood education and care
for Children aged 0 - 6 years
in Boambee and Coffs Harbour
Sunny Business Award
Our Philosophy
We value the right for every child to access and participate meaningfully in all aspects of our program and community. We believe effective inclusion occurs when strong relationships are established through shared knowledge and understandings of children, their families and our community. We respect Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and their ways of knowing and being, and acknowledge that families are a child’s first and most influential teacher.
When the experiences, values, and beliefs of our families and community are understood we can benefit from the rich learning opportunities that diversity and difference bring. With this understanding educators can make informed decisions to develop learning programs that nurture children to be successful, capable and confident learners.
We know early childhood is an important part of life and children need to be supported to ‘just be’. By respecting children’s timing and rhythms and recognising the security in belonging, children become active agents in sourcing their own learning to making choices. Quality pedagogy is when aspects of early years are holistic and connected to purposeful curriculum decisions where children’s voices are heard, family’s expectations are achieved, and educator’s knowledge is respected to shape our program.
We use our knowledge of the children, their families and our community to develop environments that reflect, respond to and nurture all needs. We recognise the importance of developing play spaces to allow children to take risks and explore, investigate and engage with their peers. Children become confident and competent decision makers in their learning and play when they feel supported in who they are, and who they are becoming. We respect that environments need to be flexible, adaptable and support the access and participation of every child. When environments are supportive of children, they are invited to share their ideas and engage in collaborative learning.
We believe sustainability is an important part of our everyday learning to teach and support children to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment. By creating natural settings and providing natural materials we encourage children to investigate, research and observe how things work in our environment. We embed sustainable practices in our program through education and working with the children, families and wider community.
Our team believe it is their role to form secure base relationships where purposeful decisions are made to support and respond to children’s emotions and needs that facilitate their ability to grow and learn. Through empathy and respect our team build children’s capacity to develop attachments that support them to feel protected, secure and nurtured. We know that the first five years of life are vital for cognitive and brain development which lay’s the foundations for life-long learning.
-After all the children are our future-
Our service operators
Hopscotch is a privately operated early childhood service located in Coffs Harbour, NSW and provides educational programs for children aged 0-5years. Hopscotch Approved Provide is Kathleen Shortt and The Nominated Supervisor is Carolyn Shortt. Our family ran service is licensed by the Department of Education for 79 children per day in 5 spacious learning environments.
Our operation times are 6:00am to 6:00pm, 52 weeks of the year. Our bookings are based on permanent positions, however casual, one off or occasional care is also available. We are closed all NSW Public Holidays and Mid North Coast gazetted public holidays. More information on our operation hours is available in our parent handbook.
Our programs purposefully consider the needs of all children and their families and foster strong connections to country. Generations of families have brought their children to Hopscotch and we now see children who attended Hopscotch return with their own children and our parents return as Grandparents. This beautiful connection to our community continues to grow stronger each year.